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Statement of Quint Embassies on recent regulation of the Central Bank of Kosovo (CBK)

The Embassies of France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, and the United States note that the recent regulation of the Kosovo Central Bank (KCB) on cash operations, which aims to reduce counterfeit cash, safeguard financial stability, as well as increase the transparency of cash flows in Kosovo, nevertheless raises concerns with regard to the impact on the Serb-majority communities in particular.
We are concerned about the impact of the regulation in particular on schools and hospitals, for which no alternative process seems viable at the moment. The regulation will also have a direct impact on the everyday lives of the overwhelming majority of Kosovo Serbs who receive payments/ financial assistance from Serbia.
Having had an exchange on this issue with the Prime Minister on Friday, the Quint calls for the suspension of the enforcement of the regulation to allow a sufficiently long period of transition, and for clear and effective public communication. The issue should be discussed further in the framework of the EU Facilitated Dialogue.