The procedure for granting contributions in favour of projects aimed at allowing Italy participation in international peace and humanitarian initiatives pursuant to art. 23 ter of Presidential Decree 18/1967, proposed by private non-profit organizations, private and foreign, worthy of co-financing (Bando Balcani 2023), has been concluded.
These are the winning projects and the proposing entities (in brackets the Countries involved):
- “Play4Peace: Empowering West Balkan Youth for Reconciliation”, proposed by YMCA Movement (Kosovo; it will involve young people of Kosovo, Serbia and North Macedonia)
- “Balkan Integration Forum”, proposed by European Movement in Montenegro (Montenegro)
- “EU for BH Youth!”, proposed by Social incubator MUNJA (BiH)
- “Humano Balcanico: Building sustainable and empowered civil society in the Western Balkans”, proposed by Post-conflict Research Center (PCRC) (Serbia)
- “A Bilateral Cooperation Channel for Kosovo and Serbia”, proposed by Council Inclusive Governance (CIG) (Serbia and Kosovo)
- “Advocacy transnazionale per la libertà di informazione nei Balcani”, proposed by Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT) and Unità operativa del Centro per la Cooperazione Internazionale (CCI) (Albania and Serbia)
- “Peace Express: Connecting Formal and Non-formal Education for Peace”, proposed by Associazione Internazionale per la Cooperazione e l’Educazione nel Mondo (AICEM) (Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, Nord Macedonia, BiH)
- “PrEUgovor Keeping Fundamentals in Focus: Monitoring Rule of Law Reforms in Serbia”, proposed by Belgrade Center for Security Policy (Serbia)
- “Contributing to the EU integration process”, proposed by Center for Democratic Transition (CDT) (Montenegro)
- “Facilitating inter-ethnic cooperation among students in Kosovo”, proposed by Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture (ACDC) (Kosovo)
- “True Heroes”, proposto da Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR) (Serbia)
- “Festival del cinema Balcanico – Balkan Film Festival VI edizione”,proposed by Associazione Occhio Blu – Anna Cenerini Bova (regional, it will involve all the WB6)
All documentation related to selection procedures is available on the institutional page of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, transparency section. In particular, have a look at this link.