A visa for sports competition allows entry into Italy to the person or sport groups that has/have been invited to participate in activities or sporting events.
Third-country citizens residing in Kosovo, whose nationality requires a visa for entry to Italy for a sporting event, are required to apply for a visa in person at the Visa Desk of the Italian Embassy in Pristina on the scheduled day and time, submitting a visa application form completed in capital letters along with one photo that meets ICAO standards.
It is possible to check if you need to apply for this type of visa on the Visas for Italy website. you should complete the type C visa form and attach the following documents to the application:
- Passport expiring at least 3 months after the requested visa;
- Authorization (“Nulla Osta”) or written communication of “C.O.N.I.” or an Italian Sports Federation, confirming the participation of the person concerned in the sporting activity requesting the issue of an entry visa;
- Invitation of the Italian Sports Club together with the program of the sporting event;
- Certificate of the Sports Federation to which Kosovo belongs, confirming the sport group’s qualification and membership of the Federation;
- Certificate of the affiliated sports club certifying the status of the invited sportsperson (if the original document is not available in English or Italian, shall be translated into Italian by a sworn translator recognized by the Embassy);
- Documentation of coverage of the means of subsistence for the stay in Italy (if not covered by the Italian inviting institution);
- Documentation concerning the staying in Italy: hotel reservation or declaration of hospitality, signed by the legal representative of the inviting institution in Italy with a photocopy of their identity card;
- Documentation regarding the social and professional situation in Kosovo:
– for contract workers: employment contract; certificate from the employer stating the date of commencement of employment, job title and monthly salary (if the original document is not available in English or Italian, shall be translated into Italian by a sworn translator recognized by the Embassy), as well as a certificate issued by the Tax Administration certifying the payment of pension contributions and wage taxes;
– for students: enrolment certificate issued by the school or faculty; employment contracts of parents; certificate issued by the employer of the latter stating the date of commencement of work, job title and monthly salary (if the original document is not available in English or Italian, shall be translated into Italian by a sworn translator recognized by the Embassy), as well as a certificate issued by the Tax Administration certifying the payment of pension contributions and wage taxes.
- Documentation regarding one’s economic and financial position in Kosovo:
– Certificate of ownership of real estates in Kosovo;
– Bank statement in original (not photocopied or scanned) of personal, family’s and business’ accounts, stamped and signed by the bank, with the activities of the last year;
– Photocopy of the front side of bank debit or credit cards;
- Documentation concerning means of transport: return flight ticket or return flight reservation, if traveling by vehicle, photocopy of vehicle documents; if traveling by organized bus, also the transport contract in addition to the bus documents;
- Documents proving previous stays in the Schengen area: photocopies of other Schengen visas;
- International health insurance valid for the Schengen area that covers any health and emergency costs, hospitalization, repatriation due to illness or death, with a minimum coverage of Euro 30,000.
- Only for minors under the age of 18:
– parental consent to leave Kosovo, signed in front of the Visa Officer at the Italian Embassy in Pristina; as alternative, a declaration signed by both parents (or the one remaining in Kosovo) in front of the Officer or by a Public Notary (if the original document is not available in English or Italian, shall be translated into Italian by a sworn translator recognized by the Embassy).