The employment visa allows foreign citizens in possession of the authorization (“Nulla Osta”), issued by the Immigration Office (“Sportello Unico per l’Immigrazione”), to enter to Italy for a fixed or indefinite period.
Every applicant requesting a visa to enter Italy for employment is required to submit their visa application in person at the Visa Office of the Italian Embassy in Pristina on the specified date and time, delivering the visa application form completed in capital letters to the assigned staff, along with one photo in accordance with ICAO standards
The following documents should be attached to the visa application with their photocopies:
- Passport expiring at least 3 months after the requested visa;
- Authorization (“Nulla Osta”), issued by the Immigration Office not later than six months before the submission of the application.
- Documentation that fully and verifiably attests to the work experiences carried out and demonstrates possession of the declared skills (for example: work certificates, payment receipts “salary statement”, cover letters or references, etc.).
- International health insurance for the initial period of stay in Italy, valid for the Schengen area, covering potential medical expenses and emergency care, hospitalization, repatriation due to illness or death, with coverage of no less than 30,000 euros.